We Offer a Small Incinerator You Won’t Regret


Would You Choose a Low-Cost Incinerator That Harms the Environment?

To those of you considering an incinerator due to ongoing waste issues:

In recent years, industrial waste disposal costs have soared due to global circumstances, and prices are expected to continue rising. As a result, more customers are turning to incinerators to reduce expenses and improve environmental impact. However, we are also hearing more stories of customers experiencing trouble and regret after purchasing incinerators from other manufacturers.

An incinerator is not a cheap investment. Among the many small incinerator manufacturers out there, we don’t want you, who have reached out to us, to experience the same regret. That’s why the team at Thomas Technical Research Institute has written down our thoughts. It’s a bit long, but we are confident that it will provide valuable insights for choosing the right incinerator.

Let’s get started:

The construction industry is facing increasingly strict regulations, including environmental laws. More businesses are also taking active steps to comply with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to protect the environment for future generations. In fact, in some regions, companies registered as SDGs partners receive additional points in the management evaluation system for construction companies. This reflects the growing focus on environmental responsibility.

Among the many incinerators that claim to produce low dioxins, which manufacturers truly prioritize the environment? Which incinerators are truly smoke-free and ultra-low dioxin?

We invite you to watch the video below to learn more about our products.


“A Story of Happiness" — We’ve compiled this real-life story into a video.


This is a comparison video between an incinerator emitting smoke and the Chirimeser.


At the very least, we provide our customers with smoke-free and low-dioxin incinerators.

We would also like to share the voices of customers who came to our trade-in sale after experiencing regret with other manufacturers:

  • “I was told by the manufacturer that the incinerator wouldn’t produce smoke, but it did, and now I can’t use it…”
  • “I chose based on price because it was cheap…”
  • “I thought all incinerators were the same, regardless of the manufacturer…”
  • “I wish I had purchased Thomas’ incinerator, even though it was more expensive. I could have trusted it…”

These are the raw voices of customers who unfortunately ended up purchasing incinerators that were not environmentally friendly.

Is it not our duty and responsibility as adults to protect Japan’s rich natural environment and preserve it for future generations?

  • Will you choose a low-cost incinerator that harms the environment?
  • Will you risk exposing your neighbors to dioxins, potentially causing respiratory and lung issues, or other health hazards?

At Thomas, our mission is to contribute to environmental improvement through technology.

We are fully committed, as a united team, to doing our utmost with sincerity and dedication, so that you can say you’re glad you chose Thomas and recognize us as a valuable partner for your company.

Thank you for reading until the end.

Please feel free to contact us via the “Phone” or “Inquiry Form” below.

We’ve Received These Concerns from Our Customers!

At our company, we frequently receive inquiries from customers who have installed incinerators other than the Chirimeser. Here are just a few of the issues we’ve been consulted on over the past two years.

Please take the time to read through this, so you can avoid throwing away your hard-earned money.

How would you feel if you purchased an incinerator, only to face these kinds of problems? Imagine yourself in their shoes.


[Company A] Purchased an Incinerator for 30,000 USD

After encountering issues during use, they requested modifications. However, the sales representative they consulted simply said, “It’s impossible," and declined their request. Frustrated, they cut off contact. Later, when the chimney broke, they had no choice but to fix it themselves. When it broke again, they reluctantly reached out for repairs. This is what happened within just two years of installing the incinerator.

[Company B] Purchased an Incinerator for 35,000 USD

Attracted by the claim that it wouldn’t produce smoke, they purchased the incinerator. However, upon using it, they found that smoke was indeed produced. Within a week of purchase, they received complaints from neighbors. One week after that, they received complaints from the health department. Four weeks after installation, the neighbors and the health department showed up together, and the incinerator could no longer be used. In the end, their 5 million yen purchase became useless in just one month.

[Company C] Purchased an Incinerator with the Promise of No Smoke

The manufacturer assured them that caulking materials and interior elements could be incinerated, but when they burned them, smoke was produced. The company next door lodged a complaint, and within a year of purchase, they had to stop using the incinerator.

[Company D] Prioritized Maintenance

After experiencing issues post-purchase, they requested maintenance. However, because the manufacturer was based in another prefecture, they couldn’t get immediate service. On top of that, the added travel costs made the maintenance fees exorbitant, so they eventually removed the incinerator. This customer later installed a Chirimeser and was grateful for the prompt maintenance support. He even said, “If any business is considering a purchase, I can personally guarantee quick maintenance response. You can even mention my name."

These are just a few examples. Incinerators are by no means a cheap purchase. As you can see, many customers have regretted their decisions. Our mission at Thomas is to help solve your waste management problems. We wrote this with the hope that you won’t have to experience the same regret and that we can be of service to you.

If you are facing similar challenges, the Chirimeser can provide a solution!

Contact us now via the inquiry form below:


Answering Your Concerns About “What About This?"

[The Price is High]
We understand. Price is always a key factor when making a purchase. Incinerators are never cheap, which is why Thomas offers a range of options tailored to our customers’ needs. Since it’s not a small investment, we propose a Chirimeser that fits both your requirements and your budget.

[Maintenance Seems Far Since You’re Based in Okinawa]
It’s true that, being located in Okinawa, there might be some travel time if we need to visit directly. However, rest assured. Our trusted network of Thomas dealers across the country handles everything from sales to maintenance. For information about the dealer in your area, please contact us.

[The Delivery Time is Long]
Due to the current global situation, it currently takes around 150 days from order to delivery. We’re working hard to get your incinerator ready as soon as possible. It might be longer compared to other companies, but we believe that waiting a bit longer will ensure you get an incinerator that you can use for more than 10 years.

[I Can’t Get a Bank Loan]
In some cases, bank loans might not be approved. If that happens, how about considering a lease option? If your local leasing company cannot accommodate incinerators, Thomas offers its own leasing service. For more details, feel free to contact us.

[I’m Not Worried About Smoke, So Another Manufacturer is Fine]
Not worrying about smoke is certainly a good condition for the location of the incinerator. However, please keep in mind that smoke density must be under 25%. If, by chance, someone reports your incinerator to the fire department or health authority when smoke is visible, will you still be able to use the incinerator you paid a high price for? In some regions, authorities even patrol by helicopter to monitor for smoke.

The final decision is yours, considering your budget and other factors, but we recommend a smoke-free incinerator to avoid any potential issues. I apologize if this comes across as too cautious, but it’s something to seriously consider.

If you have any other concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the “Inquiry Form" below.


Posted by thomas